This tool helps you create multiple-choice questions for quizzes on your website or custom-coded applications. With this tool, you can easily convert an unlimited number of questions into a quiz format. Simply provide your questions in the desired format, along with their options, and the tool will generate the HTML code for your quiz.
It is the first tool of its kind that saves you the time and effort of copying and pasting questions and options manually; it automatically detects questions and options and converts them accordingly.
Insert Your Questions
Quiz HTML Format
Questions Should be Paste in This Format :-
1. राज्य के निम्न में से किस स्थान पर सूर्य की किरणें सबसे कम तिरछी पड़ती है? (1) दौसा (2) पाली (3) भरतपुर (4) जोधपुर 2. जोधपुर का प्राचीन नाम क्या था ? (1) मेदपाट (2) विराट (3) माध्यमिका (4) मरुभूमि